Jason Jacques Consultancy provides technical consulting services on a wide range of topics. Combining the best technology with business accumen and elegant design into intergrated solutions, Jason Jacques consultancy strives to develop and provide high-quality, market-leading solutions suitable for a wide range of business needs.
Cutting-edge insights
Consulting services that offer genuine insights backed by cutting-edge research, with connections to the UK's top universities, including the University of Cambridge, the University of St Andrews, and the University of London. Jason Jacques consultancy is able to provide up-to-date insights into the very latest technologies and devlopments.
A recent list of releveant publications are avaliable on request.
Proven track record
Having provided technical services to some of the biggest names in the industry - including Google, Apple, the University of Cambridge, and more - Jason Jacques consultancy services offer innovative solutions trusted by market-leaders around the globe.
For more information, please get in touch.
Get in touch
To find out how Jason Jacques consultancy can help, please get in touch.